Considering the recent developments in our country, we can state that Turkey is governed by a coalition of a businesses in the Turkish Industry and Business Association TÜSİAD, Independent Industrialists’ and Businesspersons’ Association MÜSİAD and Turkish Confederation of Businessman and Industrialists TUSKON which have also seized the sovereignty of the peoples. This illegitimate authority of the comprador capitalist oligarchy is dependent upon the imperialist coalition. And, it has been carrying out the activities of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) in the Balkans and the Caucuses.
The monopolistic oligarchy composed of the capitalists active in the business sectors of banking, manufacturing, construction, trade, and agriculture have been exploiting the working class. This oligarchy has been providing many advantages for the imperialist and capitalist companies at the expense of the people. And also it has been privatizing the state enterprises for many years and getting more profits by manipulating the stock market. So, this coalition is getting richer at the expense of the poor day by day. On the other hand, following these policies, it has been forcing 99% of the people to live in poverty and misery.
Comprehensive deindustrialization policies conducted with the customs union agreement between Turkey and the European Union (EU), International Monetary Fund (IMF) programs and World Bank (WB) programs have been implemented for many years. Small and middle scale agricultural production has been destroyed and dependence on foreign sources in the field of agriculture has been increasing and monopoly food companies and banks have been playing a more dominant role in this field.
The ruling monopolistic oligarchy and its militaristic allies have been preventing the peaceful solution of the Kurdish question. It has been manipulating the peoples so as to not to be aware of their exploitation by playing the one people against the other. By doing this, it tries to legitimize the pressures they place on the people. In Roboski (Uludere) about 34 citizens were massacred through bombing by this same coalition. Even after over a year since the massacre, there are not any apologies to the families of those massacred. We think that the Kurdish question should be discussed and solved on the basis of freedom and peace.
We, as the CPT 1920, will continue to carry out our struggle for the brotherhood of the Kurdish and Turkish peoples. We will fight for the elimination of death and destruction policies in this regard. We are very aware that in the period of the Taksim Gezi resistance, one of the protesters in Lice province was shot during the demonstration organized against the establishment of one more patrol station in the region.
We have lost 44 citizens from a suicide attack in the Reyhanlı province of Hatay on May 11, 2013 and 19 citizens were wounded. The responsibility for this attack against innocent people rests with the imperialists and their collaborators.
The ruling elites of the USA, Israel, France, and England have been carrying out a dirty imperialist war to invade and divide Syria, which only aims to defend its independence and sovereignty. These colonial powers are benefiting from the striking power of the hired conservative fascist gangs like Al Qaida and the Free Syrian Army which has been armed, trained, and organized by the ruling strata of Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey. The people of Turkey say that the use of our territories as a military base to attack our Syrian brothers cannot be accepted. We demand from the AKP government that it end policies of aggression which cause deaths and destruction for the peoples of the region.
It is obvious that millions of people in Turkey have revolted against the war and the exploitative policies of the AKP government since 31 May. Even with the attacks by the police, millions of people have been in the streets and squares refusing the political Islam supported by the USA in the Middle East. People in the streets have demanded the elimination of every effort which aims at the abolition of democracy and secularism. People have been resisting the greedy capitalist companies which target the destruction of cities, forests, mountains and rivers which belong to the people. They have been fighting for free education and free health care. On the streets, they have declared their resistance to neoliberalism, privatization and the contract and agency labor policies of the government. They have declared that they are tired of the employer's hostility to the trade unions. Even during the repression carried out by the police, the resistance by the people in the streets and squares of the many cities around the country have proved that a remarkable social uprising has just started. The crowd's most common slogan shouted out many times in the streets is: “This is just a start, let's continue to fight.”
The AKP government has been hit by the resistance of millions of people around the country. In this process, all the dynamics of domestic politics have been changing in Turkey. Support of the AKP government has been quickly decreasing. It is clear that AKP is not a powerful political party anymore. It is being marginalized day by day. We can say that the AKP is a lame duck. The AKP government has been sentenced to capital punishment by the glorious resistance of the people.
And, the causes of this great democratic resistance by the people still exist. Conservative and fascist policies are being carried out by the AKP government. The peoples of Turkey will take revenge for the martyrs of the “Peoples Great Resistance” during May and June. And the struggle for a socialist Turkey with the values of democracy, secularism, independence and peace will continue.